DirectX 10.1 and SM4.1
(too old to reply)
Juan Jansen (1015814)
2008-04-10 16:58:47 UTC

Maybe asked before...but the first time here... so... i hope somebody has an

I have the following installed
Vista SP1, DirectX March 2008 SDK, ATI RADEON HD3650

2. Why does DxDiag report DirectX 10, instead of DirectX 10.1??

3. Why does the DxCapsviewer report Vs/PS 3.0 instead of Vs/PS 4.1

4. Only the DDI version reported is 10.1

So is this all 'By Design' or a bug...?


Juan Jansen
Chuck Walbourn [MSFT]
2008-04-10 20:11:52 UTC
Post by Juan Jansen (1015814)
2. Why does DxDiag report DirectX 10, instead of DirectX 10.1??
The "DirectX version" number really has very little meaning as of Windows XP
SP2. "DirectX" is part of the OS as of that point, so knowing the "DirectX
version" is irrelevant. What matters is the version of Windows you are
using. That said, many people do use DXDiag in their support structure so it
reports "10" instead of "9.0c" for Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008. The
addition of Direct 3D 10.1 was not significant enough change to impact any
other part of the API so it wasn't deemed important to report a larger
number for DXDiag. You can tell from the OS output whether or not the user
has Windows Vista SP1 installed or not (Build 6001).

See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb219742.aspx
Post by Juan Jansen (1015814)
3. Why does the DxCapsviewer report Vs/PS 3.0 instead of Vs/PS 4.1
DxCapsViewer is only showing the information reported to Direct3D 9. Shader
model 4.0 is only available when using Direct3D 10/10.1, and shader model
4.1 is only available when using Direct3D 10.1. Direct3D 10 and Direct3D
10.1 do not have "caps" in that sense. It might be useful in some cases if
this tool reported the present of 10 & 10.1 support, as well the few format
usages that are 'optional', but in general there's not much value in talking
about 'caps' with respect to Direct3D 10/10.1.
Post by Juan Jansen (1015814)
4. Only the DDI version reported is 10.1
This is the only place a 'version number' really has any meaning. As an
application to check for Direct3D 10 support, you try to create a Direct3D
10 device. If it fails, you don't have it. To check for Direct3D 10.1
support, you try to create a Direct3D 10.1 device. If it fails, you don't
have it. The appliaction in a few specific cases might have to do a call to
CheckFormatSupport, but otherwise if you have a 10 or 10.1 device, you know
exactly what it does.
-Chuck Walbourn
SDE, XNA Developer Connection

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Juan Jansen (387010)
2008-04-11 17:48:44 UTC
Hi Chuck,

Thankyou for you're awnser.. thats clear now...


Juan Jansen
Post by Chuck Walbourn [MSFT]
Post by Juan Jansen (1015814)
2. Why does DxDiag report DirectX 10, instead of DirectX 10.1??
The "DirectX version" number really has very little meaning as of Windows
XP SP2. "DirectX" is part of the OS as of that point, so knowing the
"DirectX version" is irrelevant. What matters is the version of Windows
you are using. That said, many people do use DXDiag in their support
structure so it reports "10" instead of "9.0c" for Windows Vista / Windows
Server 2008. The addition of Direct 3D 10.1 was not significant enough
change to impact any other part of the API so it wasn't deemed important
to report a larger number for DXDiag. You can tell from the OS output
whether or not the user has Windows Vista SP1 installed or not (Build
See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb219742.aspx
Post by Juan Jansen (1015814)
3. Why does the DxCapsviewer report Vs/PS 3.0 instead of Vs/PS 4.1
DxCapsViewer is only showing the information reported to Direct3D 9.
Shader model 4.0 is only available when using Direct3D 10/10.1, and shader
model 4.1 is only available when using Direct3D 10.1. Direct3D 10 and
Direct3D 10.1 do not have "caps" in that sense. It might be useful in some
cases if this tool reported the present of 10 & 10.1 support, as well the
few format usages that are 'optional', but in general there's not much
value in talking about 'caps' with respect to Direct3D 10/10.1.
Post by Juan Jansen (1015814)
4. Only the DDI version reported is 10.1
This is the only place a 'version number' really has any meaning. As an
application to check for Direct3D 10 support, you try to create a Direct3D
10 device. If it fails, you don't have it. To check for Direct3D 10.1
support, you try to create a Direct3D 10.1 device. If it fails, you don't
have it. The appliaction in a few specific cases might have to do a call
to CheckFormatSupport, but otherwise if you have a 10 or 10.1 device, you
know exactly what it does.
-Chuck Walbourn
SDE, XNA Developer Connection
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2008-04-14 01:25:00 UTC
Wow perfect timing LOL

I too was about to ask the same thing. I'm a huge gamer myself and I knew
that Direct X 10.1 was coming with Vista SP 1.

I have Vista SP 1 but I didnt see any major change into DXDiag as far as
saying 10.01.00000 or something

But I guess you said it wasnt that big of a difference to be pointed out so
I guess I'm good to go huh?

Also I tried downloading the latest version of Direct X and it said nothing
more can be updated.

Post by Juan Jansen (387010)
Hi Chuck,
Thankyou for you're awnser.. thats clear now...
Juan Jansen
Post by Chuck Walbourn [MSFT]
Post by Juan Jansen (1015814)
2. Why does DxDiag report DirectX 10, instead of DirectX 10.1??
The "DirectX version" number really has very little meaning as of Windows
XP SP2. "DirectX" is part of the OS as of that point, so knowing the
"DirectX version" is irrelevant. What matters is the version of Windows
you are using. That said, many people do use DXDiag in their support
structure so it reports "10" instead of "9.0c" for Windows Vista / Windows
Server 2008. The addition of Direct 3D 10.1 was not significant enough
change to impact any other part of the API so it wasn't deemed important
to report a larger number for DXDiag. You can tell from the OS output
whether or not the user has Windows Vista SP1 installed or not (Build
See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb219742.aspx
Post by Juan Jansen (1015814)
3. Why does the DxCapsviewer report Vs/PS 3.0 instead of Vs/PS 4.1
DxCapsViewer is only showing the information reported to Direct3D 9.
Shader model 4.0 is only available when using Direct3D 10/10.1, and shader
model 4.1 is only available when using Direct3D 10.1. Direct3D 10 and
Direct3D 10.1 do not have "caps" in that sense. It might be useful in some
cases if this tool reported the present of 10 & 10.1 support, as well the
few format usages that are 'optional', but in general there's not much
value in talking about 'caps' with respect to Direct3D 10/10.1.
Post by Juan Jansen (1015814)
4. Only the DDI version reported is 10.1
This is the only place a 'version number' really has any meaning. As an
application to check for Direct3D 10 support, you try to create a Direct3D
10 device. If it fails, you don't have it. To check for Direct3D 10.1
support, you try to create a Direct3D 10.1 device. If it fails, you don't
have it. The appliaction in a few specific cases might have to do a call
to CheckFormatSupport, but otherwise if you have a 10 or 10.1 device, you
know exactly what it does.
-Chuck Walbourn
SDE, XNA Developer Connection
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Chuck Walbourn [MSFT]
2008-04-15 01:48:18 UTC
The "DirectX Runtime" download has not actually installed anything you'd
call "DirectX" as of Windows XP SP2. It *does* install all the DirectX SDK
optional components like XACT, XAudio2, XINPUT, D3DX9, and D3DX10 on all
versions of Windows. It only installs "DirectX 9.0c" on Windows 2000,
Windows XP, and Windows XP SP1. Direct3D, DirectDraw, DirectInput,
DirectShow, DXDIAG, etc. are all part of the OS for Windows XP SP2 or later,
Windows Server 2003 SP1 or later, Windows XP Pro x64 Edition, Windows Vista,
Windows Server 2008, etc.

See the DirectX SDK article "DirectX Installation for Game Developers"
and the DirectX FAQ <http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb219721.aspx>

Direct3D 10.1 is an incremental improvement on Direct3D 10. All 10.1
hardware continues to fully support 10 APIs, as well as Direct3D 9. The only
Direct3D 10.1 hardware currently publicly released is the ATI Radeon HD 3800
Series. As such, no released games take advantage of Direct3D 10.1 specific
features at this time, but Direct3D 10 games do work on 10.1 hardware.
Future Direct3D 10 titles may or may not make use of 10.1 specific features
depending the developer's implementation needs.

See my GDC 2008 talk "The Evolving Windows Gaming Platform" for more on
SP1/D3D 10.1 from a developer perspective:
-Chuck Walbourn
SDE, XNA Developer Connection

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Chuck Walbourn [MSFT]
2008-04-11 18:37:27 UTC
No problem.

FYI, we should have the GDC 2008 talks posted to
http://msdn.microsoft.com/directx/presentations in the next week or two.
"The Evolving Windows Gaming Platform" talk discusses Direct3D 10.1 a bit,
as well as mixing 10.1/10 in the same application.
-Chuck Walbourn
SDE, XNA Developer Connection

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Chuck Walbourn [MSFT]
2008-04-15 01:49:53 UTC
The GDC 2008 presentations are now online:

-Chuck Walbourn
SDE, XNA Developer Connection

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2009-08-01 00:11:01 UTC
I have ATI Sapphire Radeon 4870 2 gb ddr5 and would like to update to the
latest directx and direct 3d I guess it would be 10.1 and would like to know
where to go to do that. Please let me know
Post by Chuck Walbourn [MSFT]
-Chuck Walbourn
SDE, XNA Developer Connection
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Phil Taylor
2009-08-02 16:03:07 UTC
downloads.microsoft.com has a search function.

msdn.microsoft.com/directx has links to downloads.

google has a search function.

it isnt that hard to find a dx download.
Post by @discussions.microsoft.com>
I have ATI Sapphire Radeon 4870 2 gb ddr5 and would like to update to the
latest directx and direct 3d I guess it would be 10.1 and would like to know
where to go to do that. Please let me know
Post by Chuck Walbourn [MSFT]
-Chuck Walbourn
SDE, XNA Developer Connection
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Chuck Walbourn [MSFT]
2009-08-04 22:12:00 UTC
Direct3D 10.1 requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1 or later (i.e. it is
included in Windows 7 as well). The DirectX End-User Runtime setup will only
install the 'helper' libraires like D3DX, XACT, XAUDIO2, etc. Direct3D
itself comes built into the OS as of Winodws XP Service Pack 2.
-Chuck Walbourn
SDE, XNA Developer Connection

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2008-06-06 22:34:00 UTC
Yes, I've got the same wonder as Juan :

[IMG]Loading Image...[/IMG]

with SP 1 FINAL installed.

I would thank all for the replies given, but I would really like to get
answers for these questions :

1. Why do some systems show Direct X 10.1 and others show Direct X 10.0,
with the final version of SP 1 installed ?

- in my case, I installed vista, then driver, then the final multilanguage
version of SP 1

- the SP 1 installation process was as correctly done as it was possible

- my Vista + SP 1 was a clean system installation, no previous SP 1 versions

2. If an SP 1 Vista shows DX 10.0, does this indeed mean that the version
number is 10.1 in fact ?

To have a yes/no answer to the last question would be good.

I thank all in advance.

- Roman.
Chuck Walbourn [MSFT]
2008-06-07 00:08:35 UTC
Honestly I have no idea what dialog your image link is showing.

Where are you seeing something reporting "DirectX 10.1"?

All Windows Vista Service Pack 1 systems have the DirectX 10.1 components
included. Whether or not your system can run Direct3D 10.1 depends on your
video hardware and driver.
Chuck Walbourn
SDE, XNA Developer Connection

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2008-10-22 19:20:19 UTC
hi...am Erick.
you need the ati radeon 4xxx to have direct x 10.1 or nvidia gtx 2xx
Post by Juan Jansen (1015814)
Maybe asked before...but the first time here... so... i hope somebody has an
I have the following installed
Vista SP1, DirectX March 2008 SDK, ATI RADEON HD3650
2. Why does DxDiag report DirectX 10, instead of DirectX 10.1??
3. Why does the DxCapsviewer report Vs/PS 3.0 instead of Vs/PS 4.1
4. Only the DDI version reported is 10.1
So is this all 'By Design' or a bug...?
Juan Jansen
Chuck Walbourn [MSFT]
2008-10-22 21:16:25 UTC
The DDI version is the only place that reflects "10.1" vs. "10", and this is
indicated by the installed driver.

DxDiag was not updated in Windows Vista SP1. The "DirectX Version" doesn't
mean what it did years ago, so it wasn't considered a high priority to
update it.

DxCapsViewer only suppports Direct3D 9 caps, and does not reflect any D3D10
or 10.1 information.

Generally speaking, there is no 'cap' for 10 or 10.1. If you succesfully
create a Direct3D 10 object, then you have a 10 compatible part. If you
create a Direct3D 10.1 object, then you have a 10.1 compatible part.
-Chuck Walbourn
SDE, XNA Developer Connection

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Chuck Walbourn [MSFT]
2010-05-20 19:08:01 UTC
BTW, DxCapsViewer was updated to show DXGI information in the DXSDK (August
2009) release. The Direct3D 9 node will still show shader model 3.0 for those
parts, but all the details about DX 10, 10.1, 11, and feature-levels is now
exposed by DxCapsViewer.
