Thankyou for you're awnser.. thats clear now...
Post by Chuck Walbourn [MSFT]Post by Juan Jansen (1015814)2. Why does DxDiag report DirectX 10, instead of DirectX 10.1??
The "DirectX version" number really has very little meaning as of Windows
XP SP2. "DirectX" is part of the OS as of that point, so knowing the
"DirectX version" is irrelevant. What matters is the version of Windows
you are using. That said, many people do use DXDiag in their support
structure so it reports "10" instead of "9.0c" for Windows Vista / Windows
Server 2008. The addition of Direct 3D 10.1 was not significant enough
change to impact any other part of the API so it wasn't deemed important
to report a larger number for DXDiag. You can tell from the OS output
whether or not the user has Windows Vista SP1 installed or not (Build
Post by Juan Jansen (1015814)3. Why does the DxCapsviewer report Vs/PS 3.0 instead of Vs/PS 4.1
DxCapsViewer is only showing the information reported to Direct3D 9.
Shader model 4.0 is only available when using Direct3D 10/10.1, and shader
model 4.1 is only available when using Direct3D 10.1. Direct3D 10 and
Direct3D 10.1 do not have "caps" in that sense. It might be useful in some
cases if this tool reported the present of 10 & 10.1 support, as well the
few format usages that are 'optional', but in general there's not much
value in talking about 'caps' with respect to Direct3D 10/10.1.
Post by Juan Jansen (1015814)4. Only the DDI version reported is 10.1
This is the only place a 'version number' really has any meaning. As an
application to check for Direct3D 10 support, you try to create a Direct3D
10 device. If it fails, you don't have it. To check for Direct3D 10.1
support, you try to create a Direct3D 10.1 device. If it fails, you don't
have it. The appliaction in a few specific cases might have to do a call
to CheckFormatSupport, but otherwise if you have a 10 or 10.1 device, you
know exactly what it does.
-Chuck Walbourn
SDE, XNA Developer Connection
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