help i'm new
(too old to reply)
2008-12-31 05:26:01 UTC
i purchased a new game and all the requirements fit ...it loaded well no
problems but when i go to play it it is tell me my graphic card does not
support pixels shaders or Vertex shaders...what are thaey and what do i do
...Help me
windows XP on a dell computer
Jan Bruns
2009-01-04 17:14:24 UTC
Post by minibee2
i purchased a new game and all the requirements fit ...it loaded well no
problems but when i go to play it it is tell me my graphic card does not
support pixels shaders or Vertex shaders...what are thaey and what do i do
Since you're asking on a programmer's group, you probably just want to know
what shaders are (either your grafics card is too old, or you don't have
drivers installed properly).

Modern games don't really draw anything, like it used to be in olders days,
where the CPU directly wrote color-values to some pixel's memory location.

Instead, rendering commands are streamed to the grafics card. Actually,
these commands look like "render the 1000 triangles you find at loccation
$x using vertex-shader $v and pixel shader $p". Both shaders are small
programs, that are executed on the grafics card. The vertex shader mainly
moves the endpoints of the triangles to match some perspective
transformation, and the pixel shader then computes the color for each
pixel of a triangle.


Jan Bruns
